this is a VERY long post. i haven't posted in awhile so instead of doing 5 different posts i lumped them all into one 'october post'
i love this picture. mainly because of the awesome robe. you see, isaiah got a bunch of target gift cards for this bday. one day he and i went shopping so he could spend some of his money. one of this first things he picked out was this comfy robe. i thought it was so cute that a 10 year old boy would buy a robe with his bday money. another awesome thing he did with his money was he bought he and his brother their halloween costumes. he did this all on his own just because he wanted to. :)

october has been REALLY busy. a few weeks back i took a girls trip up to san francisco to run it the nike women's half marathon. i went up with vern and dai and stayed with our friend angie. it was so much fun! the race had 20,000 women in it so there were ALOT of women in the city :)

(dai and i in front of the expo)

after our run on sunday we did a little sight seeing. it was so funny watching us walk up this hill. we were all so sore from the race, and i had a hurt knee :(..these are the famous houses in san fran that they show in the opening credits of "full house". i have always wanted to see these houses, they were beautiful!!

(angie, me, vern)
this is us at the bottom of that windey street in san fran. people actually live on this street. isn't that crazy?? can you imagine living on a touristy street.
tj joined cub scouts last month and is LOVING it. he and seth do it together which is so fun for tanner and a great way for seth to spend some one on one time with him. a few weeks ago they had a field trip to our local firestation. seth couldn't go since he was working so me and the boys walked there with tanner. we had a private tour of the fire station.

this is his little cub scout troop. aren't they cute??

every year when we get our wild river's pass they give us a one day pass to lego land. it was expiring at the end of october so we decided to use our pass before they expired. we went with the griggs family (aunt, uncle, cousins) and grandma cindy and craig.

smooshie had a halloween parade at school a couple days before halloween. it is so cute cause all the boys went to pre-school at mrs. b's and have all done the parade. i can't believe this was my last one to watch :( smooshie is in the top left corner holding his fingers like a gun.

every year old town orange hold the annual "treats in the streets". the circle closes down the streets and all the kids go trick or treating through all the shops in the circle.

the family at treats in the streets

the week of halloween was pretty crazy. all three boys had halloween parties at school, treats in the streets, and an award assembly.
isaiah's teacher surprised him with the "art award" he was so excited, and we were very proud of him.

tanner and his best friend peter. they were both 'snake eyes'

also the week of halloween the boys had minimum days for the whole week. it was nice having them out by 12:15 every day. one of the days we went to irvine park to go to the pumpkin patch.

halloween night..
indiana jones, army guy, and snake eyes

we had our 2nd annual halloween party. they boys had a blast bobbing for apples.

tanner got really into it :)

**so that was our october, very busy, but very fun!! we have a super busy november too. hopefully i will stay more on top of blogging this month :)**