Mommy, Daddy, and Micah
Today my sister katie had her baby. It was so cool cause she didn't know what she was having. We are so excited to add another boy to our family :).......Poor Katie had a very long induction and labor that lasted 36 hours. We went to the hospital on Friday because she was going to be induced at 2pm. They sent her home cause the hospital was too full and told her to call back at 6pm. Shane (her husband) called back at 5:45 and they told her they were still full and to call back at 8pm. At 8 he calls again and they tell him to call back at 11pm. By now Katie is really tired and anxious and just wants to go to bed. At 11pm he calls and they tell him to bring her in at 12am to begin the induction. Instead of putting her on pitocin right away they gave her cervidal (sp?) which is a suppository that they insert into the cervix. They put it into her at 4am saturday morning. They said she needed to leave it in for 12 hours before they would start the pitocin. All day saturday nothing was happening. No contractions and no dilation. At 4pm they took our the cervidal and at 5pm they started the pitocin. We went to visit her at 11pm Saturday night and still nothing. Poor Katie was so dissapointed. Every ten minutes they would up her pitocin, and she was feeling nothing. At 4am Sunday morning (today) she started to feel contractions coming on. She started too also feel sick so she knew she was probably starting labor. By 9 am she was ready for her epidural and at 12:29pm Micah John as born :) Katie only pushed for like 15 minutes, she did such a great job. So after 36 hours of laying in that uncomfortable labor and delivery bed she was now holding her precious little boy.
Micah John DiLisi
April 29, 2007
12:29 pm
7 lbs. 3oz. 19 inches