today my mom turns 57
so, i wanted to honor her by writing 57 amazing things about her..
1.she is a giver
2. she is the best nana to my boys
3. she is a great mom
4. she loves me even though i was a bit of a stinker (maybe even still am )
5. she gives 110% to her job
6. she is very, very organized
7. she will drop everything to help me
8. example 1: when i had my kids she was here everday holding my babies, doing my laundry, cleaning my house.
9. example 2: when i had kidney problems over the summer i would call her at work and she would come running over the second i called.
10. example 3: when i was in the hospital for a week she was at the hospital EVERY single day and was also at my house helping seth with the boys.
11. she is always willing to babysit
12. my boys adore her and LoVe to spend the night at her house.
13. she has made dinner every night at 6:00 for as long as i can remember.
14. she has a special relationship with her sister
15. she was/is an amazing athlete
16. she is THE most regimated person i know, but i love her for it.
17. example: wakes up, works out, takes a shower, eats the same thing for breakfast, reads the bible, goes to work, comes home from lunch eats the same thing every day, reads the paper, goes back to work, comes home, changes into her sweats, turns on the news, makes dinner, eats dinner, clean up, go on a walk, take a shower, go to bed.... love it :)
18. she is the most fit 57 year old i know
19. she takes care of her body by eating right and working out every day
20. she loves my husband
21. she reads her bible every morning
22. i was never late to school. not even once!!
23. she taught me that you don't always need to be the best but you should always try your hardest, i have now passed that down to my boys.
24. she does every thing around the house and never complains
25. she LOVES my dad,
26. they have been married for 32 years
27. she is a sports nut , try to challenge her on sporst trivia. you won't win
28. she is a tomboy...i love it that God have her girls and then 4 grandsons :)
29. her car is always clean
30. she can make the BEST chocolate chip cookie
31. she has always been my number one fan. i played soccer for 20 years and she was always there cheering me on
32. she carries others burdens
33. she is loyal to the core
34. she is generous
35. she puts others needs before he own
36. she gave up her dream of being a teacher to stay home with my sister and i, i am forever grateful for that
37. she made me want to be a stay at home mom
38. she has a very cute dog that she loves very much
39. she always had my back, and still does. you don't mess with one of her daughters
40. her laundry smells so good....seth still loves it even though we use the same detergent and fabric softner
41. she loves to eat, even though she is super healthy, she still loves a good hamburger and fries
42. her house is always sparkling clean but she doesn't fret if the boys spill or eat in the living room
43. she likes to spoil us
44. she loves the beach
45. she loves hawaii
46. she is so cute and has a cute personality
47. one huge example i remember as a child, is her reading her bible every day and going to church but never forcing it on us, we had an example but found our faith in God on our own
48. when i was a child i would wake up for school and my breakfast would be made and my clothes would be layed out...every morning
49. i have never in my life woken up before her. she is an early riser.
50. she uplifts me if i am down
51. she is a good listener
52. example: she just listens and doesn't try to fix the problem
53. she loves to be outside
54. she loves dodger dogs
55. she loves baseball, football, basketball, soccer
56. she has never missed one of her grandsons soccer games or baseball games
57. she loves being with her family
happy birthday mom! i love you and cherish you!