Wednesday, September 30, 2009

double digits!!...

*happy 10th birthday isaiah* in honor of 10 wonderful years and hitting the milestone of never again being a single digit age i want to let everyone know 10 reasons that you are so great (i know i could do more then 10 but since it is your 10th bday and all :).....
1. you have a HUGE heart
2. you are an amazing artist and are passionate about it. (i have never in my life seen someone draw as much as isaiah. he does it the second he wakes up, when we are in the car, after homework, after bath.)
3. you have an awesome style. i love your fashion sense :)
4. you LOVE your brothers. they are your best friends
5. you share your feelings and are very open with me.
6. you LOVE God and know what it means to have a relationship with him
7. you love to read (especially about world war 2), along w/ your art book you always have a book you are reading (and i don't even have to make you)
8. you are so social and will talk to anyone. you make friends very easily.
9. you are smart and funny (i know that's two )
10. you still love dressing up and playing make believe even though you are 10. i love this about you :)
**isaiah i love you so much and am so happy
that God blessed us with you.
you are an amazing son, brother, and friend.
happy birthday**

Thursday, September 17, 2009

first day of preschool..

on tuesday my baby started preschool. i know he's not a baby since he is 5, BUT he is MY baby! i always dreaded the day that all my kids would be in school. i am so not ready for this part of my life. i have had someone home with me for the past 10 years. this all came way to fast!everyone kept asking me if i cried. well, i didn't because i volunteered to work in his class this week. ha ha! so i was there both days for the whole 3 hours. :) so next week I KNOW i will cry. some people like when their kids are at school, but i don't. i think that's why i love summer so much. we are all home and i love it.
even though i was with him, smooshie did great at school and loved it. the teacher even commented on how much he smiles. he is just so happy and loves feeling like the big boys. i have to let him grow up. *sigh*

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

sad :(...

i have first day soccer pics and first day pre-k pics but i can't download pics to my computer :( ..hopefully soon.

Monday, September 14, 2009


i have alot of trips coming up. it's not really that great of timing since seth just started his own business and money is VERY tight right now. but, everything seems to be hitting at once. i have a half marathon in san francisco next month, november i am going on a mexico cruise for my girlfriends bachelorette party, in december we are taking a family vacation to hawaii that we have had booked for 2 1/2 years, and in june i am going to new york with my mom, sister, and aunt for my sister's big 30! as i was putting everything on the calendar i began feeling a bit overwhelmed and a little selfish. most of these trips are already paid for (praise God!), but i will still need some money when i go. i will also be leaving seth to tend to all of my duties on top of him trying to work from home. i know first hand how challenging that will be, i can't imagine working from home! but.......yes i am coming to my point :).......seth has not complained NOT ONE SINGLE BIT!! if anything he has been excited for me and encouraging. he knows that i need time with my girls and how much i love half marathons (especially one in SF). he also knows the importance of tradition w/ my family (ny for the big 30). even with all the stress he is under at work he has not discouraged me from going. he keeps assuring me that he can handle it :) i know he can!
thanks seth :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

happy birthday seth!!.....

**happy birthday seth**
i love you so much. i hope you have a great day! you are such an amazing husband, father, and friend. thank you for working so hard to provide for us and for always following God. you are a great example to the boys. happy 34th birthday :) love you!

Monday, September 07, 2009


yesterday i wasn't feeling very good so i took a 3 hour nap! your probably wondering what this has to do w/ seth, well it does.. because while i was taking my nap the boys had 2 friends over. so seth was hanging out/taking care of 5 kids while i slept. they played in the sprinklers, dressed up, and took a shower while i was in my room sleeping very soundly. he knew i needed the sleep. thanks seth :)