Monday, August 31, 2009


i have been cranky for about a week. i don't know why?? i just don't feel myself right now. sad thing is my poor husband has been taking the brunt of my crankiness. he gets home from work or calls me during the day and i am not very friendly, or very nice. he keeps asking if i am okay and i don't know what to tell him. he has been SO patient with me, even concerned. i really sit back and am in awe of him sometimes. when he gets cranky i don't have much patience and i am not usually worried if there is something wrong w/ him. i don't ever let him be cranky. i usually just tell him to get over it. but he has been patient and has allowed me to feel how i need to feel right now. he has not told me to just get over it. he has prayed for me and told me that it will pass. he has held me at night, or he has let me have my space. i am hoping it will pass...and i am sure it will. seth thanks for being a patient, concerned husband. thanks for letting me be who i am and not trying to change me. thanks for taking care of me, and for being my sounding board. you are a true best friend and husband. please forgive me for being the brunt of my crankiness this week. love you.


Alicia said...

I have been having one of those weeks as well....maybe it is something in the air I am hoping it passes soon.

jenni said...

maybe it's school!! ha ha ha!

DL said...

I'm sorry friend! I think it's difficult to adjust to your new school/soccer/homework schedule. I hope you are feeling better. Seth is a great husband to you and you are so blessed to have him! Please let me know if I can do anything for you. Love you friend and I hope this passes!