Sunday, March 23, 2008

good friday....

instead of going to the good friday service at church we decided to stay home and watch 'passion of the christ'. this year we decided that isaiah was old enough to watch it with us. even though it is very violent we thought that he was old enough to understand the sacfrice that Jesus made for us on the cross. he had a hard time watching it and a lot of times had to close his eyes. he cried during the part when they nailed Jesus on the cross. the next morning isaiah and i were sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast and isaiah goes " mom, i fully understand now what it means when people say that jesus died for my sins. "


Michelle said...

That is so cool! We need to show it to Daphne :)

Our Family said...

What a blessing to hear that from him...its a tough movie to watch but so true to what christ had probably gone through. That's great that Isaiah is mature enough to watch it.