Monday, May 17, 2010

ragnar relay...

a couple of weeks after my gno i went back up to santa barbara (yes my husband is a saint) to run the ragnar relay. it is a run from ventura to dana point. it's a 200 mile run down california. we had a team of 12 runners and 2 vans. each runner runs 3 legs of the race. our team name was "south bound fiesta" and we dressed like the guys of running from the bulls. we decorated our cars to look like bulls. how do you like the nose ring? and the tail?
ha ha ha.

this is our team
"south bound fiesta"
this is me on first leg of the race. i had a 7 mile up hill run in the dark.
fun times :)

we started the race friday morning and ended saturday evening.
this is lindsay and i saturday morning after running 2 legs, getting no sleep, and both getting sick to our stomach.

the southbound girls from van #2.
jenni, lindsay, and vern

southbound fiesta at the finish line.
our team did awesome!!
we beat the "tutu mama's" so that's all that matters.
yay team!!


Alicia said...

Wow you are amazing, all of you!!! :) That took so much indurance, perserverance and willpower!!!! YOU ROCK!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Jenni! That is sooo awesome! And so inspiring! And it looks like such fun!

Jenn said...

You go Girl or Bull?!