Friday, May 01, 2009


a conversation between smoosh and his gf rox...

smoosh- i am going to be an astronaut when i grow up so i won't be able to get married, cause astronaut's don't get married

rox- well, i am going to be a cheerleader and cheerleader's can't get married either.

smoosh- YEAH THEY CAN! (in a very bossy voice) they can marry boy cheerleaders.

glad we got that covered :)


DL said...

Did he get that idea from seeing his mom and dad on halloween? Ha Ha! Seth must have made some impression on him!

jenni said...

lol dai!! i didn't even think of that. that is probably definatley where it came from. i better tell seth. ha ha ha!

Michelle S. said...

Does this mean they are divorced? :)

Jenn said...

He cracks me up! I love the way their little brains think...