that's right! not only is my son STAR OF THE WEEK he is also STUDENT OF THE MONTH! TJ we are so proud of you :)

this is tan with Bernie Bear. as part of 'star of the week' you get to bring home Bernie Bear. he spends the week with our family and tan will write in the class journal about their week together. so cute :)

another special part is the 'all about me poster'. we spent the weekend making this and it was put up in the class on monday and is up all week.

my favorite part of the poster is the I Wish.. tan wrote "I wish i had a giant monster in my backyard" umm okay??? when i asked him why he would want a giant monster in our back yard he said "it would be a nice one." okay, atleast he didn't wish for a mean one. of all the things he could have wished for. ha ha ha!
then to top off his great week he came home with the "student of the month" award. his principal came in his class and presented it to him. he will have his picture taken and he will be on a bulletin board in the front of the school for the whole month. he was the first in his class to get this award. he was SUPER excited! and i got a sticker that says " my child is student of the month at vpe"....tan REALLY wants me to put it on my car. maybe i will put in on the fridge instead. :)
love you tan and we are so proud of you!!
That's AWESOME! Congrats Tanner!
Oh, you SOOOO have to be that mom with that sticker on the minivan!!!!! Come on Jenni - embrace it :)
Congradulations Tanner! I think you made an excellent wish...who wouldn't want a nice monster in the yard :) We are so proud of you and we love you!
Congrats Tanner. Put me down as one of the one's who are proud of you too. But of course we knew you were a special person all along. Now everyone in your school know it too. Love ya, Sissy
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