Tuesday, February 26, 2008


for some reason i was not able to get my pics on here (very frustrating) luckily my good friend salley took some pictures and sent them to me, and for some strange reason her's worked.(don't you just love computers!!grrr) ..........tan had opening day on saturday and his first tball game. this is he and his good friend jack really getting into their game :) don't you just love little boys in baseball uniforms. so cute! we had a lot of fun watching our little guy. he said his favorite part was batting. and he was very good at it. ( fyi: tan is #4 in the pic)


DL said...

They look so cute in their uniforms! Sounds like you all have a great team this season! It definitely makes baseball more fun!

Sarah Markley said...

You know I know you, right? I hope you remember me. =)

I browsed through a few of your posts recently...i have a post titled 13.1 too from January (Carlsbad 1/2) and i really felt bad for all of you who ran in the rain a few weeks ago. Ick. You don't look like you are going to die. not at all. =)

I look forward to reading your blog too! Thanks for stopping by. Linda's Ty is in Hope's class this year and we are going to a writers' conference in a couple weeks together. Love her!

Our Family said...

I love those uniforms...Tanner looks so cute. I love his swing...he looks like a pro :)

jenni said...

yeah sarah i remember you, sorry if my coomment didn't sound like i did :)...i just went and read your post on 13.1, wow you are a great runner! very fast :) i hope to beat 2 hours some day. i will add you to my blog roll if you don't mind. and i look forward to reading your blog :)